Associations of HND Secretaryship and Management Studies (AHSMAS)

Aims and Objectives

The Aims and Objectives of the Association shall be:

  1. To seek general welfare of the Association in relation to such matters concerning the profession.
  2. To establish, maintain and support the association to create a favourable environment for the fullest realization of the profession and social needs of the members.
  3. To organise Industrial tours, lectures, symposia, debates seminars to update our knowledge and acquaint ourselves with changing trends and challenges facing the profession.
  4. To establish close relation with other professional bodies within and outside the country such as Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPS), Institute of Charted Secretaries and Administration (ICSA), to promote and enhance professionalism.
  5. To work and co-ordinate with stakeholders of Education (Ministry of Education, Council for Tertiary Education, National Board Professional and Technical Examination) and other benevolent organisations on matters concerning the interest of students.
  6. To generate income to run the activities of the Association.
  7. To promote such other objectives as are lawful ad consistent with this constitution.
