General Assembly


  1. Meetings shall be held twice a semester.
  2. A quorum shall be the Speaker, the Clerk and two-thirds (2/3) of the total membership of the General Assembly of the SRC.
    Notwithstanding the provision of item (i), the General Assembly shall empower itself with members present to make decisions on emergency matters and shall be binding on the whole General Assembly of the SRC if there is a low turnout of members at the meeting.
  3. Decisions shall be determined by a simple majority of members present in voting or by popular acclamation. Unless otherwise stated in this constitution.
  4. The Executive Committee in consultation with the speaker shall convene an emergency meeting of the General Assembly of the SRC when the need arises.
  5. An emergency meeting shall be called upon the request of nine (9) accredited members of the General Assembly of the SRC who shall subscribe their names and signatures to a written request stating the business to be considered at such meetings upon the consideration of the Speaker.
  6. For the proper conduct of meetings, schedule two (2) of this constitution provides the standing orders.
  7. Observers shall be allowed at regular General Assembly meetings.