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On update


Right-Honourable Speaker, Hon. Clerk, His Lordship-Chief Justice, Executives(SRC) Present, Executives (GNUPS) present, Hon. Members of the General Assembly, alumni and ex-officios present, all protocol observed. In the light of all this, we still believe the SRC must survive to promote the course of students come what may. Hon. Members, it takes you and me here today, to uphold that clarion call. People call it ‘difficult times’ but we named it ‘our year to survive and to create a hallmark of excellence’. An excellence that seeks to invest into students for a mutual benefit worth their contributions to the council and to empower our women (ladies) of today via symposiums, seminars and summits to inspire them into leadership, in this vain in history, we had our First Female Vice President, Her Excellency Miss. Hilda Nartekuor Nartey and the first female Clerk of the General Assembly, Hon. Deborah Naa Dodoa Doodu.


As a council upon numerous deliberation and checks as a team prior to disparities in our campaign message saw the uniqueness to  have had a unique collection of linked activities that is goal-oriented to meet the growing needs of our students for this academic year as follows:

  1. To initiate a hostel project to provide accommodation for our students and to create space for stores and offices (SRC, GNUPS and Departmental Heads), this is given under the hand of the School of Engineering (students and lecturers) with the help of the Polytechnic’s authorities (Dean of students affairs and the Development Officer) and with proven estate developers and contractors via conditions of mortgage or B.O.T (Build, Operate and Transfer).
  2. Purchase two mini buses to run a shuttle (transportation, to and fro) for our students and for administrative errands for the council.
  3. Design and construct a billboard to be installed at the polytechnic’s junction to aid our image screening campaign.
  4. Create a website for the council to aid with the dissemination of information and communication with our students, sister Polytechnics and other stakeholders(alumni) given under the hand of alumni computer science students with the help of the webmaster at the ICT directorate.

Administratively as part of our project is to draft working documents like an organizational structure (SRC), Financial Manual and newsletters with post sheets (large size) for official notices in hand written.