The SRC President is the leader of the students’ body has resort to carry out his duties to enhance the academic lives of students whom he presides over. He undertook this step due to the news reaching his table thus students are being evacuated from their hostels and apartments though the academic calendar is not ended. On Monday 7 September 2020, His Excellency Safo Obed Kantanka met with the Vice-Chancellor, Dr David K Essumang and the Pro Vice-Chancellor to discuss the problem some of the students are encountering.
Upon in-depth discussion with the heads of the school, the Vice-Chancellor in his assertions made it clear that the concerns of the students which is the cause of the meeting are much bothering and disheartening but it is intricate and dicey to handle because of its nature. It is so arduous to get involved in the position of Vice-Chancellor because the said hostels and apartments are not accredited, he further explained that; the regularities that bond the accredited hostels are such that; demand for rent and evacuation if applicable must be at the academic year ended, or terminate the rent agreement by compensating students occupying their place of shelter. Since these non-accredited hostels and apartments are not regularised by the school, the intervention of their office will rather interfere with the private ventures.
In view of this, the regularities of the school are not applicable, hence the high office is not in the position to leverage charges or negotiate on behalf of students. The response which was not favourable to the students has triggered the SRC President to further move the issue to the next protocol to present the case to the Rent and Housing Board in an upcoming sitting on Wednesday 10th September 2020 to probe into it again. The President, His Excellency Safo Obed Kantanka through this medium wishes to have an emergency meeting with all hostel reps to topple their grievances to the board. Again, the SRC will not hesitate to brief students on the proceedings of the meeting with the Rent and Housing Board.
The SRC pledges to have a relentless pursuit of inking itself to solving matters related to students. In rendering stewardship, all problems that are potential to crippling the academics of students will be dealt with accordingly. We urge students to have confidence in the Safo-Kantanka administration as we deliver our promises precept upon precept.
Safo Obed Kantanka
SRC President