It is announced for the information of the University Community that the 24thMatriculation of freshers shall be held on Saturday, 23rd November 2019 at 9:00 am at the Ceremonial Grounds of the University.
All fresh students and Members of Convocation are obliged to attend this important academic ceremony. At this ceremony. Freshers will be formally admitted as students in statu pupillari (In a junior position in the University). Fresh students who, therefore, fail to attend this mandatory academic ceremony shall lose their student status automatically.
All Matriculants (ie. B’Tech, HND and Non-HND Professional Programmes) are expected to be properly dressed in formal or traditional attire for the Matriculation Ceremony.
Attendance for this programme is mandatory and non-negotiable for Convocation members and all freshmen and women.
There shall be a rehearsal for Matriculants on Thursday. 21st November 2019 and Friday, 22nd November 2019 at 3:00 pm each day at the Ceremonial Grounds.
Dr. Nii Annang Mensah-Livingstone