Council Elections


  1. Members of the Executive Committee of the SRC shall be elected by a secret ballot.
  2. A simple majority shall be required to win any election except the Presidency where 50% and one [1] vote would be required
  3. In the event of a tie, a fresh election shall be held for the candidates involved
  4. Where no Presidential Candidate secures 50% and one [1] vote, a run-off shall be held between the candidates with the two highest votes. Such a run-off shall be held within fourteen (14) days from the declaration of the first result.
  5. Where only one (1) candidate contests for a post, the candidate should be able to draw 60% of the votes to win.
  6. In the event of a post not being contested for, the Electoral Commissioner shall open fresh nomination for that position for which voting would be
  7. limited to the members of the General Assembly at their inaugural meeting.
  8. Where irregularities are detected at the polling station during the voting, the results shall be cancelled and new elections shall be conducted


  1. Any student reading a full-time program is qualified to stand and contest for any executive position of the SRC.
  2. The student should have spent two semesters in the Polytechnic.
  3. The student shall not be in his/her final year by the time of elections.
  4. Any student who has been adjudged by the Judicial Committee to have misappropriated funds or conducted himself/herself in such a manner as to tarnish the image of the Polytechnic shall not qualify to contest for any position.
  5. Any student holding any office, which qualifies him/her to be an accredited General Assembly member, shall have to resign his/her office after successfully contesting for any elections of the SRC.
  6. Apart from these general qualities, the Electoral Commission shall determine other essential qualities like the Cumulated Grade Points Average through screening and vetting.